Sunday, August 7, 2011

Day 1: I've always envied people who sleep easily

It's currently 2:34 AM as I write this. I only note the time because I have to be up in about five hours. 
As I'm sitting on my roof tonight, I realize that I have no idea who I am. Everyone around me seems to know what they want to do. Go to college, become a musician, join the military, make lots of money, be happy, live carelessly, seek God, blah blah blah. If I'm being completely honest (which I'm going to try very hard to do), I don't know who I am or who I want to be. I don't know what will make me happy. I like to think of myself as a go with the flow kind of gal, but I think that's just an image I put forward because it seems to hide the fact that I simply just don't know. 
I'm very distraught.
I'm only 18... I have time right? Maybe I don't have time. Maybe the time is now. What if I make the wrong decision? You can't really quit life. Maybe when I wake up I'll know.

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